Monday, 9 April 2007

An American Tail

ok ,havnt written in you for a while, so this is going to be a long one and sort of a weird one too!
Well after my week off work i went back feeling refreshed and ready to crack on! The fact that i only had four days to go untill my american friend came over had nothing to do with the fact that i was in a good mood!
I booked a hotel on Brighton Seafront because i only live in a studio flat, and also a fishermans cottage in the gorgeous cornish village of Polperro.
We met in Madrid in October 05 and Sparks flew. Since then we had been phoning and emailing reguarly. A very Handsome guy who was coming to spend ten days with me! Or so i thought.
He arrived on the friday, and what became quite apparent on the first night as i sat in the local Gay pub watching him eat face with someone was that this perhaps was not going to be what i expected!
It culminated on the Sunday night, (we were supposed to be driving to cornwall on the monday morning), with us going for a lovely meal and chat, i suggested we go back to the hotel for a quiet drink, he wanted to go to a gay bar so again we ended up in the Bulldog, where there was a friend of mine. The bar closed about 1am and i offered my dutch friend who we met in the bar a lift home as we were going in his direction. My American friend invited him back to the hotel. We sat in the bar having a few more drinks and quite a good chat, then as it was getting late, so i suggest its time to get some shut eye! My American friend then causes a fuss with the hotel porter that our guest cant come up to the room. I try and sort it out but it transfixes that we need to pay an overnight rate for him. Meanwhile my american friend and dutch mate who we met that night have gone to the room. I go up to tell " American" that "dutch" cannot stay i catch them getting off with each other as i walk in.
Im thinking hang on a minute we were meant to be spending time together wernt we??
" American" goes down to the hotel foyer to sort it out! The guy stays the night but its late so we fall asleep. Three in a bed! i am not happy im perched on the edge of a small double in a hotel room i payed for! I fall asleep.
I wake up about 5.30am to find them fumbling with each other in the bed next to me! I Blow my top!
I dont know whether the meds im in exacerbated it but it was pretty out of order anyway. The dutch guy left with American asking him not to!!! HOW FUCKING RUDE!!
American turns to me and says im out of order i tell him to fuck off the holiday is going well!
I get up about 7am and phone my mate, on the hotel stairs to discuss whats happening, is this out of order or because of the meds am i being nasty - the conclusion is that the American is being cheeky and this is not what i signed up for!
I go back into the hotel room, pack the rest of my stuff. He is still in bed. I give him the riot act but give him the choice " look in going back to my flat for a sleep, if you still want to come to cornwall give me a call, i will be leaving by 10am". I dont actually leave till midday, but nothing, infact by the time i reach polperro in cornwall its 5pm still nothing.
I have a peaceful week, reading, drawing the beautiful scenery, eating seafood in local pubs, but it is tainted!
I leave on the friday morning, get back to brighton - still nothing. I check my emails on sunday night and there is an email written on the friday offering to meet for a drink and discuss what happened before he leaves on the sunday. He has already left, i write a fairly balanced email considering what has happened, nothing back.
We obviously wanted different things from this holiday, i just wish he had been up front. His last mail before he came over told me how sexy i was, how he couldnt wait to spend time with me - go figure!
So you live and you learn,
Heres to America - may you eventually get it right!

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