Sunday, 18 March 2007

lord of the universe, medical reps and the very occaisional chocolate bar

Well back at work tomorrow, i have really needed this week off, as the psychological effects of the meds was really taking its toll.
Have had the week relaxing chatting with friends, but generally being a slob lol.
I am starting to feel more myself although i dont know how i will feel when i get up tomorrow for work as this week has really taken the pressure off!
I have some work to do today as still havnt sent of invites for my meeting so that is imperitive today.
Thought the comic strip was appropriate as its little calvins imagination he is of course lord of the universe, but of course a dark lord and overseer lol. Well i dont feel lord of the universe, but certainly more in control of how im feeling and how the meds are going to effect me.
I am only at work for 4 days this week then on holiday till the thirtieth of march with my american friend, really hope it goes well as havnt seen him in nearly two years, and i know hes been going through a lot of change, i know i certainly havelol.
So seeing the GP tomorrow to see if i need to sort out anti depressents so i can cope with work and med side effects, we shall see what happens.
After all no experiences in life should be wasted or regretted if it adds to the person you are.
Big Hugz

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