Gosh i wish i had a cock that big hehe!
Ok has some bad news on wednesday afternoon, my hep c viral load has shot back up and am seeing the hep c nurse this morning.
It is strange, but i think i might be slightly relieved as well as a mixture of guttedness!
I have not been a complete angel on medication and some might say you silly bugger, but to be honest on the whole i have tried my best.
I work on my own, and live on my own, and so now and again have gone out and had a mad week end. This has involved the odd drink and other intoxicating substance, but i have dealt with alot of shit since july last year and it has been my coping mechanism, my pressure gage.
I have shut myself away enough over the last six months, because medication has made me uncertain, insecure and lacking in confidence. Most of the time i have been scared of leaving the house and had turned into a paranoid nutter.
By going out and having a little shandy or two i have been able to deal with social issues and get out the house for a change, it has been my relief, my steam release.
But now im faced with the news that my viral load has shot up. The nurse thinks it is due to other medication i am on which has stopped the hep c medication working, so they are going to do another pcr test this afternoon.
So what are the choices i face right now?
Well tonight im due to do my 29th shot, which means i have 20 weeks of hep c meds left.
I think the questions i need to ask are the following
1) if i am a little angel completely and utterly for the next 20 weeks, am i going to be driven mad by the isolation and am i going to clear the virus?
2) I have now changed my other medication so will this make a difference to the hep c med effectiveness.
3) At 12 weeks i was not undetectible, but had had a 2 log drop as required?
4) Am i classed as a slow responder and if so would they consider 72 weeks of treatment?
5) The nurse said this could be a false result could it be? how likely is this?
well i dont think i have been that big a cock, but you decide!