Friday, 11 May 2007

slightly more cake mix

Were really concerned about you, martin said to me
Its definately the effects of the medication for Hep C
Martin the nurse looked me in the eyes and frowned
Ive been doing this job for ten years, you look drowned.
Your half way through lewis, this is a wake up call
you will not make it, your ready to go up to the roof and have a great fall
Intensley i replied i knew i was there, end of my tether, full of fruit
But if i could i would carry on as long as i could, looking rather cute.
Not having it! you will end up dead, dont look at me like that,
I may be a gay nurse, but im not a total pratt,
With my guise not working ive excepted the fact,
That if i dont start AD's, i will not last.
So i have done them a deal, in my mind at least
A 24 week PCR to find the number of the beast,
I am starting cipramil on monday morn,
my pride says im cheating, full of self scorn
We discussed the decision to keep going or stop,
depending on results, finally a fair kop!
I have slightly more fruit in my cake mix these days,
I can come and go ,but my plum mix stays.
They want me to start an on treatment group
With my experience as a rep, to keep patients in the loop,
Im well up for this, and always welcome change
Just hope the ADs, stop me feeling so strange
hugz lewis

1 comment:

Not Blank said...

Don't fight the anti-d's - from one who stupidly did just that and now regrets it.
All the best to you.