Friday, 18 May 2007


Cor ! This medication they give you for hepC is toxic Stuff. Started Anit - depressants monday, as really been having nutty side effects hit me.

Very dark thoughts, and a place that i don't want to go to very often.

Had a really lovely weekend planned, was driving up to Worcester to see my sister tonight, and gorgeous little nephew, stay at mum and dads, and then drive up to the hep C forum on saturday, however my collective brain cells had another idea.

Watching holby city last night, and looked around the flat, been quite under the weather recently, so not been my usual efficient self. The flat is a state, and im due back at work monday, and i started to think of all the things that would have to be done in order to achieve all my goals, but can't cos i am physically and mentally knackered! My heart starts racing, panic attack ensues. i go to bed and start having very nasty thoughts.

Finally get to sleep, wake up this morning (think i finally fell asleep about 4am!) at six thirty and just for an instant everything was ok. Then the same horrible feelings began to invade.

Its like an insipid black fear that crawls down your shoulders, drips down your back and makes you shudder! A fear and depression that nothing is alright and everything is wrong.

You worry about what people think of you, whether you look strange, in fact everysort of self doubt available, piles on you like a tonne of gravel and to get out you have to remove it pebble by pebble.

Rang my parents told them i wont be coming up had a panic attack
Messaged some dear friends on the forum to appologise for cancelling - they rang me, the little sweeties, panic attack ensuing. big hugs to yuo both!

I think your amazing!

Rang my sister, and work colleague and got myself off to the doctors - this shit is fucking strong!

Spoke to my GP, explaining, he knows my history! Signed off for another two weeks.........

He did suggest a small does of an anti psych drug, but refused saying ill see what the Anti depressants do! Woah!!!!

Deep breath right now!

So get back home, finally starting to feel the pressure is off, i can get through this my own pace and own way. Decide to have a bath. Shave my head, generally try and be bit more in control, possibly considering cleaning the flat, at least it is only one job, one step forward and not a tonne of gravel all at once.

My mother rings, mum if you read this, take note!

I know they love me and want to be there, however my mother says " Were coming down tomorrow to give you a hug!"

Would love it, but - i look at the flat, think of allthe work i have to do, what i will have to do in order for me to feel comfortable with my family coming down, and instantly

Oh my god - washing - loads of it, cleaning -loads of it, self grooming - loads of it, actually every job in the house really, and instantly THAT PRESSURE IS BACK! again, rather than one job, 20 jobs and that black oil begins to flow!

So mum if you read this and i think i expressed it on the phone but just incase your still thinking to show up tomorrow.

The only control i have right now, because of this medication, is that i can get through this in My own way, and at MY pace. And as much as i want a hug, let me come up and get one, let me get one when i decide and when im mentally prepared.

I love you all deeply, but put this extra pressure on me now, and my control goes away.

So calling my sister later to reinforce that point, and if they do appear tomorrow morning, iknow it is done for a good reason, i will be very angry.


From lets hope the cipramil kicks in soon!"


Not Blank said...

Hey Lewis -

Maybe you can meet your parents for some coffee or something, some place close to your flat? That way you don't have to clean or go to far. Sounds like you need an actual hug, the virtual one I'm giving you and everyone else is sending can only do so much.

Take care of yourself.
MYS - uncertain

pixie said...

Lewis you will get know I am always gonna be there for you....All I wanted to do was hug you and hope you felt this when we spoke...We did miss you so much,but knew you needed the space..And respect that.You are now a big part of my life, and I luv you lots...we will speak soon..ChrissyXX

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Lewis...I feel for you and I know exactly where you are at for I have been there. There is a way out and you will find it I promise. You talk about self doubt and it coming in the form of tonnes of gravel...then you say that to get out you have to remove it pebble by pebble. This is a very good attitude Lewis and to have this attitude will be of great importance to you I am sure. Keep those pebbles small and easy to manage and they will remove themselves in time. Pebbles are good...boulders are not.

Your family are only worried about you...but you gotta do what you gotta do right? Hugs are good but like you say...only when you want them...I understand that totally.

You know where I am if you need anything Lewis.
