Thursday, 15 March 2007

its foggy out there, heck its foggy in here

Ok first things first!

I may be a little devil! the picture on the previous post was taken last halloween but i dress like this every day! honest - well to be honest it usually alternates between devil and superman!

Im the one on the left taken at brighton Pride! These are some very close friends of mine, and they are all little stars!

But think i need to show you that i can actually be normal although this is usally with copious amounts of substances just to make my nervous twitch calm down! - i am only joking - that is to say there is nothing abnormal about people with facial twitches, large feet or adults that dress for the occaision! xxx

So thought id better show you a relatively normal picture lol!

thats the one on the right strangely enough!

Well am off work at the moment, woken up this morning and feel really weird, like im coming down from an acid trip but without any of the fun before hand - damn!

Have got some work to do today, i have a launch meeting for a new study thats been published in respiritory medicine for all the doctors and nurses in Brighton and Hove and should really answer my voice mails and emails to find out if the speaker has been confirmed, but everytime i look at my work mobile panic sets in. still feel the fear and do it anyway lol.

One thing to be wary of on treatment for hep c is that interferon just wipes out your levels of seretonin in the brain or can do, this is your happy hormone, everytime youve laughed at an old lady tripping up or a little kid running into a lamp post which happens quite a lot here - (must be something to do with the trip wires i set round hove) seretonin is released.

I think i dont have any at the moment its either the medication or the copious amounts of ecxtacy and raves i attended when younger! As a result im anxious, and have started having panic attacks. Its probably the meds!

Well there are two things i can do 1) either take a trip to Asda, where everyone is fat and ugly, which instantly makes me feel better, or 2) Whatch the programme Jeremy Kyle where people come on TV and talk about how they slept with their mothers sisters pet hamster and how it has ruined their life because they cant stop shopping at matalan and buying tan furry cushions! Again this instantly makes me feel better because i can look at my sofa and think aha! no tan furry cushions on my sofa! I have brown suede ones i am so mush more classy!

Anyway bettwr get on with today, think im going to buy a tan furry cushion!. x

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