Saturday, 17 March 2007

negative earth

Ok, i had just written a humerous masterpiece, but with the lack of fisherprice buttons on my computer i wiped it before saving. Clever!

Had my shot of interferon last night, and went to the dinner party, and it was lovely company, but alas my dream man still remains exactly that, a dream........ maybe i should start a relationship with my reflection in the mirror, my friends cat seems to love it!

For the last few weeks now i have been having trouble waking up, now im usually a morning person waking up 5 minutes before the alarm at 6am, springing out of bed like a russian ballet dancer, making my breakfast and lunch, and getting in the car by 7am while still managing to forge a renoir and make a lifesize copy of the statue of libeerty.

Recently its been " aghhh god no", going back to sleep waking again at 8am going "shit shit shit", while rushing to the car still with toothpaste on my face , and generally running over the lolly pop lady at the end of the road, convinced that her sign she holds in her hand, reads" your late, run me over dont worry!" She's so selfless!

So on my week off ive been letting myself wake naturally usually about 9.30am, but TODAY; SATURDAY! i wake at 5am, after dreaming that i was blowing up the Brighton Grand like the IRA did in the 80's. If only id managed to blow up Margaret Thatcher i would be a happy man.

So i am sat on the sofa watching Kids Tv like spongebob squarepants and Kim possible. Which is actually quite an inspiration. The people that created these shows must have done some serious psychadelic shit and still they have made millions! There is hope for me yet! Think im going to do another shot of interferon - just for medicinal perposes obviously!

1 comment:

ron said...


Imagine - knowing two other people ALSO on treatment you can go to dinner parties with - how lucky is that then? Three people on tx, all of whom can socialise, that's a rarity, believe me.

Adding a link to your blog from mine.

Wishing you well
