Tuesday, 14 August 2007
PRIDE:a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
giving, getting, going
ok i havnt wtirrten in my blog for a while, so this could be a long one!
Unfortunately for me the Hep C treatment hasnt worked, i managed 32 weeks of treatments but apparently the virus had reappeared after 20 weeks in to treatment.
As you have probably gathered it sent me rather loopy, but since i have stopped treatment i have come back more or less to my normal self.
Because the hep c was caught in the accute phase i dont have any liver damage and the hospital are keeping a close eye on my. Apparently they dont get many people like me - go figure.
So what have i been up to? Well i have been enjoying the return of my life really, i have been on a few dates, which has been nice, but strange, and going out with friends, and although i shouldnt have i have been partaking in a few drinkies.
But things are quieting down now, and the old things that used to bother me have returned, my weight has returned with avengence but unfortunaltely i am learning that i cant get away with eating cheesecake anymore, and now that i am not struglling through combination therapy, i am struggling with all the old habbits, smoking, being bored with my job, and generally being a grumpy old git!
This has taught me alot, gosh i didnt realise how nutty i had actually got while on treatment and god do i value my sanity! The hospital have asked me to set up a support group which i intend to follow through on.
I have been on the commercial side of health care for 10 years, and after my experience it is time to give something back. I am dealing with the hep c nurse at the moment to see what we can get organised, because there isnt a gropu in brighton.
And you might wonder what the picture is of above, well its a drawing of part of the village that i was bought up in in worcestershire, a little known place called inkberrow in worcestershire. I thought it was appropriate, because the hep c experience has truley bought me and my family closer together.
I have just had the most lovely weekend, i drove to shrewsbury and went to a gathering of the online support group, next time i will bring a camera, it was lovely to meet you all. I was nervous when i met you all, but within a couple of hours started to feel at home, next time i want to spend more time to get to know you all, but being in the midlands i felt the need also to go and see my family and my little nephew, who is just sooooo cute!
So just to finish off, just to let you know my post treatment hep c belly is growing, so i am doing the half marathon for the sussex beacon HIV charity in brighton. Raise some money and loose weight. I am dusting off my trainers, getting back in touch with my trainer and lets see what happens. i may have a couple of the nastiest bugs known to man, but it aint going to stop me moving forward. This new positive outlook is primarily due to certain members on the forum and family and friends, who without you all, i dont think i would still be here.
Life is strange and interesting, you start out when your younger thinking you can shape your life, but in the end its your life that shapes you. x
lewis x
Saturday, 9 June 2007
back to work!
Thursday, 31 May 2007
a bit of light refreshment
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
ok and now for todays news
In a way i am lucky, i caught this early, and i dont have liver damage yet, it will be 20 years before that happens, so in a way i have to count my blessings. it doesnt stop my head being all over the place though.
My neutrophils are rock bottom and this week, the last week before going back to work, i have had a severe tooth and gum infection, i am on antibiotics for it and just feel really shit, have had nasty stuff coming out my mouth and am totally fed up!
Have got to go back to see the nurse on friday to discuss further options as this could be a blip caused by other medication that i am on. Im trying not to get upset, but to be honest, the hell i have been through the last six months just makes me so fucking angry, i always knew there was a chance this would not work, but was assured i had a very good chance.
all i can say at the moment is bollocks. to be honest i am totally numb .
Anyway im signing off cos just dont know what else to write.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
cor blimey!
theres something not quite right
Friday, 18 May 2007
Very dark thoughts, and a place that i don't want to go to very often.
Had a really lovely weekend planned, was driving up to Worcester to see my sister tonight, and gorgeous little nephew, stay at mum and dads, and then drive up to the hep C forum on saturday, however my collective brain cells had another idea.
Watching holby city last night, and looked around the flat, been quite under the weather recently, so not been my usual efficient self. The flat is a state, and im due back at work monday, and i started to think of all the things that would have to be done in order to achieve all my goals, but can't cos i am physically and mentally knackered! My heart starts racing, panic attack ensues. i go to bed and start having very nasty thoughts.
Finally get to sleep, wake up this morning (think i finally fell asleep about 4am!) at six thirty and just for an instant everything was ok. Then the same horrible feelings began to invade.
Its like an insipid black fear that crawls down your shoulders, drips down your back and makes you shudder! A fear and depression that nothing is alright and everything is wrong.
You worry about what people think of you, whether you look strange, in fact everysort of self doubt available, piles on you like a tonne of gravel and to get out you have to remove it pebble by pebble.
Rang my parents told them i wont be coming up had a panic attack
Messaged some dear friends on the forum to appologise for cancelling - they rang me, the little sweeties, panic attack ensuing. big hugs to yuo both!
I think your amazing!
Rang my sister, and work colleague and got myself off to the doctors - this shit is fucking strong!
Spoke to my GP, explaining, he knows my history! Signed off for another two weeks.........
He did suggest a small does of an anti psych drug, but refused saying ill see what the Anti depressants do! Woah!!!!
Deep breath right now!
So get back home, finally starting to feel the pressure is off, i can get through this my own pace and own way. Decide to have a bath. Shave my head, generally try and be bit more in control, possibly considering cleaning the flat, at least it is only one job, one step forward and not a tonne of gravel all at once.
My mother rings, mum if you read this, take note!
I know they love me and want to be there, however my mother says " Were coming down tomorrow to give you a hug!"
Would love it, but - i look at the flat, think of allthe work i have to do, what i will have to do in order for me to feel comfortable with my family coming down, and instantly
Oh my god - washing - loads of it, cleaning -loads of it, self grooming - loads of it, actually every job in the house really, and instantly THAT PRESSURE IS BACK! again, rather than one job, 20 jobs and that black oil begins to flow!
So mum if you read this and i think i expressed it on the phone but just incase your still thinking to show up tomorrow.
The only control i have right now, because of this medication, is that i can get through this in My own way, and at MY pace. And as much as i want a hug, let me come up and get one, let me get one when i decide and when im mentally prepared.
I love you all deeply, but put this extra pressure on me now, and my control goes away.
So calling my sister later to reinforce that point, and if they do appear tomorrow morning, iknow it is done for a good reason, i will be very angry.
From lets hope the cipramil kicks in soon!"
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Monday, 14 May 2007
side effects
Im taking imodium, motilium they said
What will the future hold for someone like me
So keep on smiling from the top to the bottom,
Blood tests for this, blood tests for that
Im not after sympathy, or a sideways glance
Friday, 11 May 2007
slightly more cake mix
Thursday, 10 May 2007
they call her smellie ellie - thats her name dont wear it out
so here it, life goes on before me
bottled, and bright, and painful
It hurts my eyes, my soul, my heart
with a throbbing, thats there and dull.
Its another day, this world has bought,
i hear the trains as they rumble past,
wrenching dreams and hopes from those
who have these damn viruses that last.
We have hep c virus, the devil incarnate
to deal with, slay and berate
some may be coinfected with HIV as we wait
on the life stage with fate.
Injections and medications, potions and tinctures galore
What is it that we did in a previous life
i hope we had, fun, frollicks and more.
As i open my eyes to this world out there
people buzzing and whirling and rushed
i am inside my box with its windows
afraid to go out and be pushed.
Were they pushed, did they jump or just fall
from the heavenly stage we're meant to atain,
Were we stabbed in the heart with a virus gun
our soul spreading the pavement with stain.
Ribivirin, interferon, kaletra
and kivexa; poisonous hope
reach deep down inside me,
grab these viral rough cowboys and grope.
Wrench them from my baterred body,
throw me down again
My Tattered soul of beginnings,
my innocence crying in pain
As i open my eyes on this dim light of day, another day begins,
as i push at the walls of my confinement
they begin to push back and gain.
The furniture begins to move inwards, the television begins to fall
Its these damn viral infections inside of me
that form such a tall inpenitrable wall.
So here it is, the state of play, the game on the chess board of life
Are you a rook, a bishop, a king ,queen or a pawn
in need of a very sharp knife.
These black and white squares confuse me,
Which way shall i move, which strategy take?
For its ultimate chess i must play,
where the stakes are our lives or insanity strives
A guess, a direction i must make.
So as i open the curtains and look outside,
the city breathes in and moves, it looks forward, always forward
And i sit in my box far removed.
I have been stolen from time, plucked, placed apart
Waiting for these viral infections to die
It is me, you and them where this fight does begin
This final battle of will
For my heart will not die, will not wither not go
Its the curse of forward motion,
just stay, rest and be still.
Monday, 7 May 2007
rob dougan
also this one by bjork, im a gemini so im sort of switching between the two at the moment, sure im bipolar!
tried to post from you tube but for some reason technology escapes me today.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
oh god
theres a hole in my bucket dear liza
Monday, 23 April 2007
hep c ditties
Work and Hospital, a two pronged attack
the train, was chuffing up the hill
Sunday, 22 April 2007
for sans tenerife venture
ps. This is me with one of my best friends on Holiday in Amsterdam.
The pic on the left is me with my towel removed
Thursday, 19 April 2007
possible temperal shift
He asked whether i had
ok im knackered
Sunday, 15 April 2007
oh my god, william has split from kate!
Saturday, 14 April 2007
The Hours Movie Trailer 2002
to know life for what it is, to know it, to love it, and then put it away.....
to know life for what it is, to know it to love it then put it away.
It is about three women going through some tough times and to me it is about how they deal with the hours in life. do you count them down?
They are each in there own way dealing with life but the central theme that links the three stories is vaginia wolfs book, mrs dalloway, a story about a woman who everyone thinks is happy, because she is always throwing parties, but inside and in between the soiree's, she is dead, there is no soul left no fight. Can kind of relate!
god im being mordlin today
The Hours Movie Trailer 2002
to know life for what it is, to know it, to love it, and then to put it away.
somewhere over the rainbow
Watch this gorgeous video and song, trying to post it from you tube. Really strange, woke up this morning with it in my head.
I new it was from the film fifty first dates, but gosh how weird to wake up with it in my head. Went to the hospital yesterday, have to go on more medication because have not had good results.
am in bed, so tired, managed to finish work yesterday, and really havee tried, but that was just four day week, next week is a five day week and ive no idea how im going to get through it. im just going to get through it as best i can.
Fuck, lifes shit at the moment, but maybe my trouble will melt like lemon drops.
Monday, 9 April 2007
the forbidden link
An American Tail
Sunday, 18 March 2007
lord of the universe, medical reps and the very occaisional chocolate bar
Saturday, 17 March 2007
negative earth
Friday, 16 March 2007
links and injections
The Death Star Has Landed
Have woken up this morning, feeling like a puddle on the floor, my motivation has left the building, looked out the window this morning and several pigions dropped dead on the patio simply from looking at them! Wonder if i could have the same effect with my iranian neighbour who kept me awake till 2 am last night listening to his rhythmic shagging and his girlfriend occaisionally shouting "ahh ya bastard" and then " love it".
Mind you that guy's got stamina i was exhausted just listening to it!
My eminant national key opinion leader in respiritory medicine has confirmed that he can speak for us at my meeting in April - the fucking bastard, why did he have to get back to me so quickly im off sick for christs sake, now i have to walk over to the other side of the room, turn on the computer and issue some brilliance and genious in the form of an insightful and educating briefing document. Added to that i also have to issue 350 invites. Fucking wanker lol
I feel that i am turning bitter, i don't mind twisted because ive always been that, or even old and cynical, i quite fancy this, because i can look down on younger people and say with all my vast life experience i conclude that you are stupid, the relationship you are in is thwarted, and your parents secretly hate you! With an air of authority when i dont actually know shit.
I think i am going to invest in a shop mobility cart, and a mahogany cane with a silver tip, so i can run small children over, or at least when passing them stab at their ankles causing wounding and possible paralysis, which means later on in life they will also be investing in shop mobility carts and possible walking canes.
See invest in the future! I can imagine it now, a wonderful hoarde of glistening red metalic carts with bitter old farts driving around running children over, and generally causing havock. My own gang of hells old gits ruining lives like dr whos darleks.
And when my friends have aked me what i have done today? my reply will be " oh nothing much........IM JUST TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!"
(Warning - interferon/ribivirin, can cause pregnancy, obesity , a strange obsession with chocolate cheesecake, a love of cliff richard and electric shock treatment - batteries not inclided!)
Thursday, 15 March 2007
its foggy out there, heck its foggy in here
thats the one on the right strangely enough!
Well am off work at the moment, woken up this morning and feel really weird, like im coming down from an acid trip but without any of the fun before hand - damn!
Have got some work to do today, i have a launch meeting for a new study thats been published in respiritory medicine for all the doctors and nurses in Brighton and Hove and should really answer my voice mails and emails to find out if the speaker has been confirmed, but everytime i look at my work mobile panic sets in. still feel the fear and do it anyway lol.
One thing to be wary of on treatment for hep c is that interferon just wipes out your levels of seretonin in the brain or can do, this is your happy hormone, everytime youve laughed at an old lady tripping up or a little kid running into a lamp post which happens quite a lot here - (must be something to do with the trip wires i set round hove) seretonin is released.
I think i dont have any at the moment its either the medication or the copious amounts of ecxtacy and raves i attended when younger! As a result im anxious, and have started having panic attacks. Its probably the meds!
Well there are two things i can do 1) either take a trip to Asda, where everyone is fat and ugly, which instantly makes me feel better, or 2) Whatch the programme Jeremy Kyle where people come on TV and talk about how they slept with their mothers sisters pet hamster and how it has ruined their life because they cant stop shopping at matalan and buying tan furry cushions! Again this instantly makes me feel better because i can look at my sofa and think aha! no tan furry cushions on my sofa! I have brown suede ones i am so mush more classy!
Anyway bettwr get on with today, think im going to buy a tan furry cushion!. x
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
last post before bed
ok now im mad!
ok panic over, 2 burritos eaten with large ammounts of mayonaise and a bigglass of red wine, now i just dont care!
Think google are conspiring against me making this blog! what i would really like is someone from google to come round say im sorry lewis let me take this photo with me, and it will be on your profile tomorrow at nine am.
I then wake up with the sun shining in, james browns i feel good playing in the back ground, and little birds flying my computer over to me snow white style to rest on my lap, mean while squirells and bunnies have made me eggs on toast and a cup of tea. I then turn on my computer go to my page and there are my phots nestled neatly among the text.
I can dream lol
hello guys
Just a little something about me, at the moment im signed off work, so hence starting the blog as im going stir crazy lol! Im a gay man in Brighton Uk and try and enjoy life to the full. I was diagnosed with hep c last year and am on treatment at the moment. So i guess this blog is an outlet of how im feeling what im doing and where im going. My god i dint think i was that profound - it must be the drugs, mmmmmm!
anyway, i hope to get to know fellow bloggers, and also let you know a little wee bit about Brighton, my favourite city by the sea.
So here goes, oh and i just tried to import some photos from picassa onto the new profile, so if you see a photo of me on the tube or a rather kinky photo of me floating around in cyberspace, either laminate them or post them back with a ransom note! wink wink